Monday, October 29, 2012

"Unleashing the Secret in Baguio City"

     October 27, 2012 marked the first and probably the last time that the Philippines number 1 success couch presented his signature seminar entitled "Money Magnet". The event took place in the multi-purpose hall of the Baguio Country Club. The hall was jam-packed with more or less 1,000 people from different places and provinces like La Union, Baguio City, Isabela, Nueva Viscaya and other places.

     John Calub Thrilled and made the crowd very excited when he told us the story of Charles Haanel and his infamous seven great books entitled: "The Master Key System". What made this book special is that it made many millionaires and even billionares of whomever lay his or her hand and read the knowledge encrypted in it. To top it all off, these seven books are very rare and hard to find especially today, the good news is John Calub has in his possesssion a complete set of the "Master Key System". The crowd roared and went nuts when we heard that Mr Calub will share some of the secrets to us that night. Imagine that we only payed 500 pesos and in return, we will learn the knowledge that produced some of the successful businessmen has learned.

     That was only the beginning of the seminar, after the lunch break, Mr Calub shared to us a very simple yet very effective method of success. This method was using six (6) garapons (jars). Each garapon has its own use. What I liked most about these "garapon" technique is that it is very helpful in disciplining ourselves when it comes to tithing, giving, investing, spending, and mind-setting.

     During the last part of the seminar, Mr John Calub shared to us about the wrong connotations or beliefs that is widely and obviously seen here in the Philippines and made our thinking shift 360 degrees, Just like the belief that "Money is the Root of all Evil", hence this belief should be changed into "The Love of Money is the Root of all Evil". Just like what Mr Calub said, it is much difficult to be poor and this line really hit me: "How Can You Give to Charity, if You Yourself are Charity".

     The night ended happily. With all the learning and all the practicality that John Calub had shared that night, the 500 pesos is really worth it. It is much better to invest our money in personal development and other educational seminars instead of wasting it in vices or in having a good time. Lastly, before we went our own ways that night, we had sang the "I Say Yes to Success" song of John Calub. If anyone wants to learn the secret to being successful in their respective field, I recommend that you attend Mr Calub's seminars.

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