Tuesday, June 5, 2012

My Methods of Relaxation

     Everyday, people will undergo a particular routine like waking up, eat their meal, take a bath, then go to school or work. For some; they enjoy going to school or work, but for me, I easily get burnt out when it comes to that particular activity especially when i have to do it for at least 8 hours per day or more. So I have a few list that may help burnt out people in relaxing their mind and spirit.

1) Find a RELAXING Place and MEDITATE

     Personally, this is the best thing to do whenever I feel stressed out. I usually go to a church because it is a very solemn, quiet and peaceful place. This is my perfect place to meditate, analyze and unwind. And of course, it is the perfect place to talk to our Almighty Father and ask for His Guidance.

2) Listen to Your Favorite Music

     As they say, MUSIC is our UNIVERSAL LANGUAGE. Certain sounds enhances our MOOD whether it be Happy or Sad. Whenever I feel down, I listen to my favorite classic music and just sing along with the lyrics.

3) Sit Down and talk with a family member/ friend/ mentor

     I think this is the second most important thing to do whenever we face a challenging situation. Talking with someone who has faced the same situation is very helpful, because they can teach us the lessons that they have acquired during that hard time. People like them can enlighten our mind and spirit and most importantly guide us to make the correct choice.

     So there you go, these are the three activities that I usually do whenever I feel burnt out or stressed out. I do hope that I have contributed in helping stressed out people to relax and unwind.

1 comment:

  1. For a person who is always subject to stress, this is a very helpful post. Keep it up Jaytee!


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