Thursday, June 7, 2012


"False Expectations Appearing Real"
      Fear, it is one of the most evident emotion that delays or prevents people who want to achieve their goal and achieve success. Most of the time, we are the reason for the F.E.A.R. that we are experiencing.
We create imaginary things in our mind that we have not even proven in reality.  As the abbreviation says: "False Expectations Appearing Real".

     Take this for example, when we were still very young, we imagine creepy ghosts, monsters or maybe even leprechauns to appear in dark places. In other words, we create our own demons inside our mind. So how do we combat this inner demons that prevents us from doing something we want? 

     First tip of the day, always be positive. Do not concentrate on thinking about what if's. It would just waste our time, and prolong the "agony.I find it very helpful if we stick to people who are always optimistic, their attitude are like viral infection to people, but in a good way of course.

     Next step in conquering our fear is to practice deep breathing. It is one of the most important techniques in relaxing our body and our nervous system. It also eases our mind, and most importantly, it is a stress reliever. 

     Last but not the least: "TAKE ACTION, NOW!". My first two steps or techniques will be put to waste if not applied in action. Thinking positive without action is useless, e.g. (in class, student A knows the answer to the instructor's question but does not recite. Meaning, knowledge without application is not productive). Just keep this simple formula in mind and I am sure that it will help you overcome your own personal F.E.A.R.(s): "Positive Thinking + Positive Action = Positive Result".

     I hope that I have helped people overcome their own personal demons that prevents them from being successful. Have a nice day!!


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