Sunday, July 22, 2012

Tooth Ache Remedy/Treatment

I am not a dentist or anything, but I would just like to help people who are experiencing toothaches.    

     I'm sure that almost everyone has experienced a toothache one way or another. For me, this is the single most painful thing a person can endure.
Once our tooth hurts, the whole body will follow most especially our head. There are many possible reasons/causes that leads to toothaches.

1) Gum Disease - also known as gingivitis.
-This may be due to bacterial/ dental plaque build-up in the space between the gum and teeth.
-Vitamin C deficiency
-Injury due to hard toothbrush or careless flossing/tooth brushing

2) Tooth Decay
- Dental plaque is composed of food particles (debris), bacteria and saliva. If the teeth are not brushed and flossed often enough, plaque builds up on the teeth.

*Prevention Tips:
-Brush and floss at least twice a day.
-Have your teeth cleaned by a dentist at least twice a year.

3) Tooth Abscess
- Commonly caused by an infection when developed just below the root of the tooth.

4) Wisdom Tooth/Teeth
- Most of the time, when our wisdom tooth/teeth is beginning to grow, we will feel toothache. This may also mean that we must have our wisdom tooth be extracted.

     I think all of these are caused by lack of oral hygiene most especially lack of tooth-brushing and flossing. But just in case we suffer these types of oral problems, we can use simple pain-killers and at the same time, see the nearest dentist within your area.

"An Ounce of Prevention is Better than a Pound of CURE"

     Personally, I had experienced having GINGIVITIS, after brushing I would notice that there is blood at the sink. So I did some research and asked some friends and relatives, good thing is they have recommended these two items. The MOREISHI Toothpaste and the ThroatSpray. 

The toothpaste contains: Bee Propolis (natural antibiotic), Green Tea (Natural Flouride) and Tea Trea (Anti-fungal, anti-bacterial). 

     After a week/2 weeks time, I had noticed a change. My gums had stopped bleeding, and I don't experience sore-throat and mouth-sore/oral thrush anymore I highly recommend these items because it helped me get rid of my GINGIVITIS.

     I hope that I had helped you guys somehow. God Bless and Take Charge.

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